WYH Board of Directors (WYH BOD) meets once a month throughout the year, time and place may vary. We will post the schedule to the calendar on our website, members welcome. Ideas, input, feedback is always welcome and can be sent via email as well.
The bylaws govern the Weymouth Youth Hockey program. These are updated by the Bylaw Committee, approved by the BOD and voted on by the entire membership during the annual meeting.
The tryout process should be read and understood by all parents prior to tryouts. You are required to acknowledge you have read, understood and agree to the terms of our tryout process during registration.
The discipline guidelines are used to assist the WYH discipline committee for incidents involving players, parents, and coaches of WYH.
Discipline Forms - Code of Conduct
We are happy to announce that we are again offering 3 scholarships to graduating seniors that participated in Weymouth Youth Hockey. If you are a graduating senior, please complete the attached application and essay and return to Weymouth Youth Hockey by May 1, 2024. If you are not a graduating senior, please help spread the word with any former players that are graduating.
Applications can be emailed to wyhtreasurer.jb@gmail.com or mailed to Weymouth Youth Hockey, P.O. Box 890253, Weymouth, MA 02189.
If you have any questions, please reach out Jackie Buccigross, WYH Treasurer at wyhtreasurer.jb@gmail.com
Thank you!
WYH Board of Directors