One of our priorities is expand upon the offerings for our goalies, and to give more players the opportunity to try playing goalie. This is a free drop-in session available for all of our existing goalies of all skill level, as well as anyone who is interested in goalie. For those teams who will be rotating goalies each week, we highly encourage the players who will be playing goalie that week to come to this session. We want kids to have the opportunity to get some coaching on how to use the pads and get some tips to be more successful and, more importantly, have some fun with it! Again, this is open to anyone in our program but if your child is interested in joining and needs to borrow pads, please let your coach know so we can ensure everyone has the equipment needed to participate.
SSC Goalie Crease Clinics
South Shore Conference offers a free Goalie Crease / Goaltender Clinic to our program.
Mass Crease
Mass Crease goalie skills packages at a reduced rate. This has been a great offering to help our more serious goalies get some additional training at the Mass Crease facility in Norwell. As in the past, a 10-pack of lessons will be available at a reduced rate. This will be offered to our declared goalies only at this time. Details on how to book your session will be sent to our goalies after registration. For more information contact the WYH Executive Board
MassCrease Training Facility
77 Accord Park Drive (D8)
Norwell, MA
In order to get your lesson packages through Weymouth Youth Hockey loaded, we need you to create a profile on the MassCrease website ( - Instructional videos below. If you already have a profile, NO NEED to create a new one. After doing this, the WYH Board will load the lessons to your profile and you can begin reserving your sessions.
A couple things to be aware of:
Click the links below to watch the YouTube “How To” videos below: