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League-wide 3 on 3 Tournament 

Weymouth Youth Hockey (WYH) hosts an in-house 3 vs 3 League for interested players who are enrolled in our regular season programs. 

There are two divisions; Mite/Squirt for U6, U8, and U10 players, and PeeWee/Bantam for U12 and U14 players. Teams will have players from multiple age groups, but players will only play against players of their own age/skill level.

All games are played on half ice surfaces, so two games will be played at once. The cost is $150 per skater. No charge for Goalies. Drop In Players are $25 per game. All games will be played at the Connell Rink in Weymouth. 

The House League Director will meet with the Level Directors to create teams that are split as evenly as possible. Each team will have 9 skaters and 1 goalie. As conflicts arise throughout the season, the House League Director can approve substitute players of the same age/skill level. 

There are many benefits to 3v3 hockey including increased puck touches, team play, transitioning from offense to defense, fast paced, playing in tight spaces, etc. 

If you have any questions about this program, please reach out to the House League Director. If you have any questions during registration contact our Registrar.

Adult Wildcats Learn to Play Program (Adult LTP)

If you've always wanted to be a part of a hockey team, don't let this opportunity pass you by. This fun group is open to all WYH-affiliated adults, but specifically to beginner players. WYH coaches will be available to offer advice and tips on some techniques and strategies.

Full Hockey Equipment Required 

  • Helmet
  • Neck guard 
  • Shoulder pads 
  • Elbow pads
  • Ice Hockey gloves 
  • Protective cup (Men) 
  • Pelvic protector (Women) 
  • Ice Hockey pants 
  • Garter or combination protector with Velcro sock support 
  • Ice Hockey socks 
  • Shin guards 
  • Ice Hockey skates 
  • Ice Hockey stick