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Learn to Skate (LTS)

For ages 4 and older by September 1st.

Weymouth Resident

Saturday afternoon or Sunday nights  (except for holidays) for 8 weeks beginning in September.

Weymouth Connell Rink

Equipment Required

  • Single Blade Skates 
  • Full Hockey Helmet with cage (no bike helmets) 
  • Mittens or Gloves

If you have any questions about this program, please reach out to the Instructional Director.

To register for this program, go to our registration page. If you have any questions about registration contact our Registrar.

Our contact information is in our Contacts page.

Introduction to Hockey

This program is designed specifically for older players (8+ years old) who have not participated in a hockey program or players who may need some extra ice time to develop their hockey skills.  This program’s major emphasis is on the fundamentals of hockey (skating and stick handling with a light touch on overall hockey knowledge). Our goal, upon completion, is for our skaters to be able to step forward on their hockey journey with confidence and ultimately join a full season team.

Once a week for 8 weeks from mid-September to mid-November

Weymouth Connell Rink

Limited to 36 players

Full Hockey Equipment Required 

  • Helmet with cage & name on top of helmet
  • Neck guard
  • Shoulder pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Ice Hockey gloves
  • Protective cup (Boys)
  • Pelvic protector (Girls)
  • Ice Hockey pants
  • Garter or combination protector with Velcro sock support
  • Ice Hockey socks
  • Shin guards
  • Ice Hockey skates
  • Ice Hockey stick

Looking to Purchase starter Equipment? 
Pure Hockey in Braintree
Play It Again Sports in Dedham
Hockey Money MonkeySports Superstore in Norwood
Family Sports Consignments in Pembroke

If you have any questions about this program, please reach out to the Instructional Director.

To register for this program, go to our registration page. If you have any questions about registration contact our Registrar.

Our contact information is in our Contacts page.

Junior Wildcats (LTP)

Junior Wildcats is an incredibly popular 4-month Learn to Play program for ages 4-12. It will introduce your skater to all the fundamentals of playing hockey. Every week, your skater will participate in a 50-minute skills development practice and a 50-minute cross-ice game. Skaters are divided by age and ability to ensure your player will develop at the appropriate pace. Some of our Intro to Hockey participants may compete in their specially designated section. 

Sessions are twice per week for 4 months from late November to March.

Weymouth Connell Rink, 22 Broad Street Weymouth, MA 02188

Limited to 60 players

Full Hockey Equipment Required 

  • Helmet with cage & name on top of helmet 
  • Neck guard 
  • Shoulder pads 
  • Elbow pads
  • Ice Hockey gloves 
  • Protective cup (Boys) 
  • Pelvic protector (Girls) 
  • Ice Hockey pants 
  • Garter or combination protector with Velcro sock support 
  • Ice Hockey socks 
  • Shin guards 
  • Ice Hockey skates 
  • Ice Hockey stick 

Looking to Purchase starter Equipment? 
Pure Hockey in Braintree
Play It Again Sports in Dedham
Hockey Money MonkeySports Superstore in Norwood
Family Sports Consignments in Pembroke

If you have any questions about this program, please reach out to the Instructional Director.

To register for this program, go to our registration page. If you have any questions about registration contact our Registrar.

Our contact information is in our Contacts page.