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Regular season travel programs start the beginning of September and finish in April. Short season high school teams end in in late November. Each regular season travel team typically has a team practice hour and a skills hour during the week. All practices and skills are at our home rink, Weymouth Connell Rink. On weekends the team will travel to various south shore rinks and play against another towns. On occasion there's (2) games on a weekend. 

Many teams will play (1) or (2) tournaments in throughout the season. This is all organized and handled by the team, not Weymouth Youth Hockey (WYH). The coaches need to work with their level directors to get Bye requests in from the leagues, so they don't get scheduled for games that weekend. Many coaches will ask a parent(s) to be a team manager to help organize outside activities like parties and tournaments.

Squirts U10 and older may enter district playdowns to secure a spot in the state tournament. This is something coaches will discuss with the team and level directors after the season starts.

For more information on the leagues Weymouth Youth Hockey (WYH) plays in go to our Leagues page.

Mite U6 - 5 and 6 year olds, they play other towns in the Bay State Hockey League (BSHL). 

Mite U8 - 7 and 8 year olds, our Mite B2 teams usually play in the Bay State Hockey League (BSHL), occasionally we have a team play in the South Shore Conference (SSC). The A and B teams play in the South Shore Conference (SSC). There are (2) tiers in the SSC. The higher tier is Herman and lower tier is Re.

Squirts U10 - 9 and 10 year olds, our B2 teams play in either the South Shore Conference (SSC) or the Metro South Hockey League (MSHL), formerly known as Yankee Conference depending on the skill level of the teams. The A and B teams play in the South Shore Conference (SSC). There are (2) tiers in the SSC. The higher tier is Herman and lower tier is Re.

PeeWee U12 - 11 and 12 year olds, all our teams (A, B, B2) in this level play in the South Shore Conference (SSC). There are (2) tiers in the SSC. The higher tier is Herman and lower tier is Re.

Bantam U14 - 13 and 14 year olds, all our teams (A, B, B2) in this level play in the South Shore Conference (SSC). There are (2) tiers in the SSC. The higher tier is Herman and lower tier is Re.

Midgets U18 - 15, 16, 17, and 18 year olds. There's usually a short season and sometimes a full season team. Every year is different, reach out to the Midget Director for details. 

Girls Program U10, U12, U14, U19 - Our girls only program plays in the South Shore Conference and Middlesex Yankee Conference Girl's Hockey League. You may play on both a girls team and a co-ed team. Girls have their own practices, skills and games. 

Goalie Development - Goalie skills practice is once per week at Connell Rink and is included in goalie tuition. This program is for all goalies and all players who want to try goalie. Mites and Squirt teams may "pass the pads" or rotate goalies throughout the season and are encouraged to join in the weekly goalie practice. Full time goalies may also supplement their learning with access to our Mass Crease offering. Contact our registrar or our Goalie Director for more information and questions.

If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to the Travel Director and appropriate Level Director. To register for a program, go to our registration page. If you have any questions about registration contact our Registrar.